2007-05-16 | THREEPIXELS AT SYNCH 2007
This summer we have a date at Synch, the digital art and electronic music festival held at Athens, Greece. It will take place at Technopolis, an old gas factory with the Acropolis as a magnificient backdrop. We will be performing alongside Qebo an approximately one-hour long visual and music live, and we will do our best to shock the assistants. Threepixels wishes to thank Alexis Retsis and George Aggelides for their support and trust in our work. Thank you very much!

2007-05-10 | LLEIDA PARTY!
This Tuesday at 3h late night: JaK will try to amuse the public in a live showcase, within the 2007 local celebration in Lleida town. This is the prepared line up in case you have to organize your time, cause, there will be lots of fun live performances and all kind of styles for everybody. We're going to sinchronize our efforts with Marzenit and SergiRodrigo See you there friends, also enjoy Ladytron and Digital 21!

2007-04-08 | Florida 135 visuals
Another effort to prevail in the active scene, this time a visual jockey set in the greatest and most popular club in Spain Florida 135. We have some friends at + del Techno colective, among others, Mrs. Pipen will challenge threepixels during the 4 combo DJ set, as you can see in this banner. We'll try to join all 3px members in that event, can you miss it?

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